The atgof website

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fellini in Madrid

Fellini exhibition moves to Madrid until December

Digital Future of the European Cinemas

Digital Future of the European Cinemas

15th of September in the European Parliament, Digital Future of the European Cinemas will address the challenges for the future culture industry and the opportunities it creates for the modern regions

boosting cultural heritage online

Digital Agenda: Reflection Group on digitisation seeks views
on boosting cultural heritage online.

Excerpt from website...

The European Commission's Reflection Group ("Comité des Sages")
on digitisation launched today a consultation on how best to foster
the online presence of cultural heritage. As Europe's creative and
cultural sectors undergo a revolutionary transition, innovative
solutions are needed to keep up with technological advances and
reap their full benefits. The Commission has asked the
Reflection Group to look at how best to speed up the digitisation,
online accessibility and preservation of cultural works across Europe.
Contributions to this consultation will feed into the recommendations
the Group will make before the end of the year (see IP/10/456).
The consultation will run until 30 September 2010. ...

preserving Europe's digital data for future generations

ICT research: preserving Europe's digital data for future generations

Excerpt from the website...

Tools developed using EU funds to ensure that digitally stored data
can be preserved, accessed and understood for the indefinite future
are now available in the form of open source software.
The EU's CASPAR (Cultural, Artistic and Scientific knowledge for
Preservation, Access and Retrieval) research programme involved
researchers from the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Israel, Italy
and the UK. This work complements initiatives such as Europeana,
the European digital library (see MEMO/10/166). The EU has
contributed € 8.8 million of the €15 million total cost of the project
under the European Commission's research funding programme
(Sixth Framework Programme 2001-2006). Until now large
volumes of electronic data such as official records, museum archives
and scientific results have been unreadable or at risk of loss because
newer technologies could not read it or allow current users to
understand it. Application of ICT research to benefit Europe's citizens
and businesses is a key element of the Digital Agenda for Europe adopted
by the Commission in May 2010
(see IP/10/581, MEMO/10/199 and MEMO/10/200)....

Web Initiatives Librarian

Interesting job in Canada, Web Initiatives Librarian at
Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

UCLA Symposium: Reimagining the Archive

International Symposium at UCLA on November 12-14, 2010

Reimagining the Archive: Remapping and Remixing Traditional Models
in the Digital Era. Bringing together top media and
information industry
professionals,archivists, and
media/archival scholars, the event will
explore what it means
to archive in the digital future. Broadly organized
around the
themes of *transition*,*navigation*, and *curation*, the
will consider the consequences of digital technologies for all
aspects of media and archival scholarship, cultural production,
and cultural heritage.

Please find further information on the website: