International Conference for Digital Libraries
and the Semantic Web (ICSD2009)
September 8-11, 2009 - University of Trento,
Trento (ITALY)
Digital libraries, in the central view of the term,
focus on storing and organizing digital objects and
providing access to these objects through professional
or user-generated metadata or content-based search
(full text, image content, full musical score).
In an expanded view, DLs also support annotation,
generation or editing of digital objects and provide
tools for processing digital objects. The
semantic Web focuses on the formal representation of
data for more precise retrieval and, more importantly,
for reasoning so that many often disparate items of data
can be combined to directly answer a user's question or
to devise a plan of action.
ICDLSW addresses two main questions:
(1) How can digital libraries support Semantic Web
(2) How can Semantic Web technology improve digital
Ultimately the goal is an environment in which all
functionality is available to the user without the
perception of different systems or system boundaries.
Contributions are sought that address one or both of
the main questions or steps towards the ultimate system.
Some example topics are listed below, but the purpose of
this list is just to stimulate thinking.
SPECIFIC TOPICS that address one or both of the
main questions:
* Digital objects that provide formal representation of
data ready for reasoning, possibly in addition to text,
images, or sound.
* Knowledge acquisition: Editing tools that assist subject
experts in the creation of formal representations of data.
* Digital objects that interact with the user or
software agents.
* Standards and specifications for digital objects.
* Organization and retrieval of software agents and
Semantic Web services.
* Semantic search. Use of ontologies and knowledge bases
(such as topic maps) to
improve search for digital objects.
* Question answering from text, from data/knowledge bases,
or a combination.
* Next generation OPACs.
* The structure and creation of ontologies to support
these functions.
* Using the intellectual capital available in traditional
KOS such as Dewey Decimal
Classification (DDC), UDC, or MeSH in the construction of
ontologies that support truly semantic search and reasoning.
* Vocabulary and taxonomy development.
* Multilingual issues in Digital Libraries.
* Semantics of bibliographical databases.
* Metadata standards, Interoperability and Crosswalks.
* Digital Library and Semantic Web Projects and Case Studies.
We invite original papers in English on all relevant topics as
mentioned above.
Papers will be reviewed based on originality of work, quality
and relevance to the main theme of the conference. Peer reviewed
and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
The papers should follow the SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS provided on
the conference website.
The conference will explore the area of digital libraries and the
semantic web through tutorials, workshops, demonstrations, invited
talks and presentations. The conference will also serve as a
working platform for communities to discuss and agree on joint work.
We also encourage the submission of workshop proposals for this
Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento (Italy)
Johannes Keizer, FAO of the United Nations (Italy)
Wolfgan Nejdl, University of Hannover (Germany)
ARD Prasad, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (India)
Heiko Stoermer, University of Trento (Italy)
April 16, 2009: Submission (Papers, Posters & Workshops)
June 24, 2009: Camera-ready copy
September 8-11, 2009: Conference at the University of Trento
Repository and Open Access Manager at University of London
The role is managing, maintaining and promoting the University repository,
and advocating for open access publishing. The postholder will work closely
17 hours ago
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