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Thursday, October 15, 2009

European orphan works

Orphan works - Public Hearing organized by the European Commission
26 October 2009, Brussels

The European Commission will convene a public hearing on orphan works. The aim of this hearing is to gather further evidence on orphan works and how their digitisation and dissemination can best be managed in full respect of copyright rules. This hearing will be a follow-up to the Green Paper on Copyright in the Knowledge Economy (COM(2008) 466/3).

The hearing is scheduled to take place on October 26, 2009, at the Albert Borschette Centre, 36 rue Froissart, 1049 Brussels, from 9.30 to 17.00.

The hearing will be organised in three panels and chaired by the European Commission. Each panel will comprise six panellists. Each panellist will present a short statement. After the statements, a substantive debate with the audience is foreseen.

PANEL 1: Orphan works – Challenges and opportunities
PANEL 2: How to best recognise “orphan status”
PANEL 3: Should orphan works be subject to a licence or remuneration?
Attached: Provisional AGENDA

Practical arrangements
Registrations for the hearing should reach the following address: markt-d1 [at]

The maximum number of participants is limited to 80. Therefore, registrations will be accepted in the order in which they are received, although priority will be given to those with a direct interest in the subject. Should the number of registrations exceed the number of available places, the organisers reserve the right to limit the attendance to one person per organisation.

More information here.

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