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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Knowledge = Information in Context

Europeana White Paper No. 1: Knowledge = Information in Context

Europeana's first White Paper looks at the key role linked data
will play in Europeana's development and in helping Europe's
citizens make connections between existing knowledge to achieve
new cultural and scientific developments. Without linked data,
Europeana could be seen as a simple collection of digital objects.
With linked data, the potential is far greater,
as the author of the white paper, Prof. Stefan Gradmann, explains.


European Standards on interoperability of film databases

European Standards on interoperability of film databases - EN 15907

The European standard EN 15907 "Film identification -
Enhancing interoperability of metadata" was approved
according to the CEN (European Committee for Standardization)
procedures on 11 May 2010. 16 CEN Members voted in
favour and 13 abstained. No member voted against this
European standard.

The next step is the implementation of this European standard
as a national standard by national standardization bodies.