Heritage institutions, AV media producers and performers should probably send in their views regarding the Green Paper on the
"online distribution of audiovisual works in the European Union: opportunities and challenges towards a digital single market"
"The Green Paper looks at the ways in which the audiovisual sector is changing in response to technology developments and consumer expectations. It invites stakeholders to comment on the challenges and opportunities facing audiovisual media service providers, and in particular whether the regulatory and legal framework poses barriers to the cross border availability of online services in the EU. The Green Paper focuses in particular on the copyright licensing framework, and discusses a number of regulatory approaches to licensing. In addition, it looks at the remuneration of authors and performers for the online use of their works; and deals with certain special uses of audiovisual works. "
No rush (November), but a considered reply probably requires a lot of work. There are various activities on the go to promote discussion and analysis.