Last Friday (18 September) saw the official opening by Alun Ffred Jones, WAG Heritage Minister, of the North Reading Room of the National Library of Wales. The opening was also attended by Gillian Clarke, Wales' national poet, who presented the Library with a poem, celebrating the completion of the refurbishment of NLW's two main Reading Rooms.
The refurbished room, despite the constraints posed by modernizing a listed building, provides a range of new facilities aimed to cater for the needs of all the main user "types" who nowadays use research libraries.
The user verdict on the refurbishment has been universally positive.
The National Library of Wales is a legal deposit library, and houses a very wide range of materials, - printed books, manuscripts and records, prints, pictures, photos, maps, 3D objects etc., as well as being the home to the National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales.
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