I'll be leaving the National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales this week!
As a cheeky young upstart, I was involved with setting up the NLW audiovisual archives right from the very start, back in the late seventies. Despite taking up several posts at the Library (Celtic collection indexer, systems analysis, computing, corporate planning, photo archives...zzzzz) I always kept my my hand in with the audiovisual collection, and in the nineties reconfigured it as the Sound and Moving Image Collection.
In April 2001 I was extremely lucky and honoured to be given the task of founding and developing the new National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales. It's been a wonderful 10 years at the helm, and I'm very proud of the achievements of the Archive and its totally dedicated and highly professional staff.
I've been very lucky in my career, having "been there" at the start of many new initiatives - which I suppose suited my "let's move on" temperament. So after 10 years leading NSSAW, with an early retirement package on offer and with insufferably itchy feet, I felt it was time to make a new start; which brings me to the name change of this blog.
"Tatws Newydd" (New Potatoes) is dead, but "Atgof" is born! Atgof is the Welsh word for a memory, or a recollection. Not that I intend living in the past, but rather I shall use the knowledge I've accumulated of the past, of how to manage our heritage, to help define future ventures.
So, expect the nature of this blog to change somewhat over the coming year in response to my changed circumstances, and a new non-corporate-freedom to comment and reflect, not just to refer.
But first of all, it's time to get to grips with those post-retirement chores that have been lined up for me...
Thanks for following.
Many congratulations Iestyn, on all that you have achieved. I wish you a happy and fulfilling retirement. I'm delighted that the blog is continuing, and the change of direction sounds like an enticing one. I look forward to future developments with much interest.